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Assure Good Quality Seals with Hot Tack Quality Testing

May 28, 2018

It is the sole responsibility of the Food Packaging manufacturer to keep a good quality check on the production process. You must produce packages which exhibit both strength and improved appearance. This can be done by establishing standardised testing instruments. In this post, we will learn how you can check the integrity of packaging seals using Hot tack tester.

package seal hot tack testing

The kind of sustenance items chooses the sort of pressing it requires. Also, in light of that pressing, it’s fixing procedure it chose. Fixing is an exceptionally significant process that guarantees the security of the items. Amid the filling procedure, it is imperative to have adept fixing factors in order to have a fruitful seal. Producers frequently confront an issue of seal breakage amid the filling procedure. This occurs because of frail quality when the holding is as yet hot and during the time spent achieving the room temperature. Hot tack tester is utilized to check the seal quality of the parcels when the seal is as yet hot.

There are sure indicates be considered in the filling line ensure that no seals are breaking amid the procedure:

  • Due to the distinction in the polymer structure, there is a distinction in conduct of polymer write. Because of this, there is a distinction in the conduct of the sealant. In this manner, the execution of polymer with hot tack and quality of seal may differ. It is critical to recognize the properties of the polymer to pick the correct sealant.
  • Sealant choice is a vital angle while testing the sample in hot tack tester that chooses the conduct of the parcel amid the filling procedure. Dissolve file, thickness, Zero Shear Viscosity are vital tack testerquote-button


  • At what temperature sealant will frame the security with the substrate? This is critical to know so right fixing temperature can be set.
  • Hot tack quality can be characterized as the power required to break the seal when it is as yet hot. On the off chance that this quality is high, the odds of disappointment are less. It is an imperative factor to assess the execution of the adaptable pressing.
  • Dwell time is the period required by the sealant to shape the bond. The shorter the abide time is, the better is the seal quality. However, it ought not to be imperilled with the seal quality. Usually saw that abbreviate abide time may bring about powerless seal quality. So there must be a harmony between the both.

For more information on the testing procedure or more, visit us at Presto Group.

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