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Recognize True Colors with CMC

January 18, 2017

Our life is a combination of different colors such as the blue color of water, the red color of blood, whitish or fair color of our complexion, multiple colors of fabrics, the color of nature and so forth. Moreover, colors help to grab the attention of the customers and create a positive impact on the mind of the customers. With the growing importance of color among customers and with day by day changing fashion, styles, trends and several similar things manufacturers need to be more conscious of the color quality of the products.

Digital Color Measuring Devices for Color Measurement

There are numerous color measurement devices available for color measurement. One of the best means which is utilized nowadays in all production verticals to ensure the color quality of the products is Color Matching Cabinet. The testing device is equipped with numerous lights to measure the color quality of the single product in different light conditions.


The testing machine helps to visually evaluate the color under different standards which helps to solve the problem of metamerism. The metamerism is a phenomenon where a sample from the single lot is tested under different lights to look for any kind of color difference in the products. The machine is used in different industries such as plastic industry, textile, and yarn industry, paper and packaging industry, paint and plating industry.


Why CMC?

CMC is a highly preferred testing machine which can be used for years as it is highly durable in nature. The testing machine is equipped with five sources of lights that are approved by CIE international standard for color quality determination. The manufacturers of different industries follow different color measurement techniques to measure the color consistency of the products. The testing equipment color matching cabinet is used to measure the colors of different materials such as wood, ceramics, glass, elastomers, etc.

Metamerism is a major problem which is faced by the manufacturers in different industries majorly in textile industries. The appearances of the garments or fabrics cause problems because the color is an important factor that grabs the attention of the customers. Hence, high-quality measurement instruments are used that can solve color related issues.



Presto Stantest, one of the leading manufacturers, suppliers & exporters of testing machines offers high-quality of testing machines to test the quality, vibrancy and consistency of the colors of the products. The equipment color matching cabinet by Presto allows the manufacturers to ensure the color vibrancy of the products in an easy and simple manner. The device comprises of individual switches to operate individual light separately.  For more information, call our experts.

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